Key Stage 4

GCSE Religious Studies is a writing-based subject, requiring skills of analysis, evaluation, and interpretation.

Students will learn two world religions of Christianity and Islam. 

Course information.

Exam board: Eduqas

Component 1

Issues of Relationships

Issues Life and Death

Issues of Good and Evil

Issues of Human Rights

Written examination

2 hours

Component 2

Christianity – Beliefs

Christianity – Practices

Written examination

1 hour

Component 3

Islam – Beliefs

Islam – Practices

Written examination

1 hour

GCSE Religious Studies is assessed through two assessment objectives:

AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of religion and belief, including:

• Beliefs, practices and sources of authority

• Influence on individuals, communities and societies

• Similarities and differences within and/or between religions and beliefs

AO2 Analyse and evaluate aspects of religion and belief, including their significance and influence

Homework will be set weekly. Homework is in the form of exam style questions, knowledge retrieval, literacy tasks.

Lessons include knowledge retrieval questions to assess prior learning. Lessons involve the active use of mini whiteboards to check for understanding and to provide real time feedback and to deal with misconceptions quickly. Students will complete regular written exam-style questions during the academic year where they will be given teacher feedback on how to improve. Year 10 students will sit a mid-year mock in January and end of year mock exams in the summer term.  Year 11 students will sit mock exams in November and in March.

For further information, contact Ms Harris -